Note: Output is not generated for this example (to save resources on GitHub).
Planar mixing - 2D
Planar mixing example, as presented in [3].
We start by loading packages. A Makie plotting backend is needed for plotting. GLMakie
creates an interactive window (useful for real-time plotting), but does not work when building this example on GitHub. CairoMakie
makes high-quality static vector-graphics plots.
using CairoMakie
using IncompressibleNavierStokes
Output directory
outdir = joinpath(@__DIR__, "output", "PlanarMixing2D")
Viscosity model
Re = 500.0
Boundary conditions
ΔU = 1.0
Ubar = 1.0
ϵ = (0.082Ubar, 0.012Ubar)
n = (0.4π, 0.3π)
ω = (0.22, 0.11)
U(dim, x, y, t) =
dim == 1 ?
1.0 + ΔU / 2 * tanh(2y) + sum(@. ϵ * (1 - tanh(y / 2)^2) * cos(n * y) * sin(ω * t)) :
boundary_conditions = (
# x left, x right
(DirichletBC(U), PressureBC()),
# y rear, y front
(PressureBC(), PressureBC()),
A 2D grid is a Cartesian product of two vectors
n = 64
# n = 256
x = LinRange(0.0, 256.0, 4n), LinRange(-32.0, 32.0, n)
plotgrid(x...; figure = (; size = (600, 250)))
Build setup and assemble operators
setup = Setup(; x, Re, boundary_conditions);
psolver = psolver_direct(setup);
nothing #hide
Initial conditions (extend inflow)
ustart = velocityfield(setup, (dim, x, y) -> U(dim, x, y, 0.0); psolver);
nothing #hide
Solve unsteady problem
state, outputs = solve_unsteady(;
tlims = (0.0, 100.0),
method = RKMethods.RK44P2(),
# Δt = 0.1,
processors = (
rtp = realtimeplotter(;
plot = fieldplot,
# plot = energy_history_plot,
# plot = energy_spectrum_plot,
docolorbar = false,
size = (600, 250),
nupdate = 1,
# anim = animator(; setup, path = "$outdir/vorticity.mkv", nupdate = 20),
# vtk = vtk_writer(; setup, nupdate = 10, dir = outdir, filename = "solution"),
# field = fieldsaver(; setup, nupdate = 10),
log = timelogger(; nupdate = 100),
nothing #hide
We may visualize or export the computed fields (u, p)
Export to VTK
save_vtk(state; setup, filename = joinpath(outdir, "solution"), psolver)
Copy-pasteable code
Below is the full code for this example stripped of comments and output.
using GLMakie
using IncompressibleNavierStokes
outdir = joinpath(@__DIR__, "output", "PlanarMixing2D")
Re = 500.0
ΔU = 1.0
Ubar = 1.0
ϵ = (0.082Ubar, 0.012Ubar)
n = (0.4π, 0.3π)
ω = (0.22, 0.11)
U(dim, x, y, t) =
dim == 1 ?
1.0 + ΔU / 2 * tanh(2y) + sum(@. ϵ * (1 - tanh(y / 2)^2) * cos(n * y) * sin(ω * t)) :
boundary_conditions = (
# x left, x right
(DirichletBC(U), PressureBC()),
# y rear, y front
(PressureBC(), PressureBC()),
n = 64
# n = 256
x = LinRange(0.0, 256.0, 4n), LinRange(-32.0, 32.0, n)
plotgrid(x...; figure = (; size = (600, 250)))
setup = Setup(; x, Re, boundary_conditions);
psolver = psolver_direct(setup);
ustart = velocityfield(setup, (dim, x, y) -> U(dim, x, y, 0.0); psolver);
state, outputs = solve_unsteady(;
tlims = (0.0, 100.0),
method = RKMethods.RK44P2(),
# Δt = 0.1,
processors = (
rtp = realtimeplotter(;
plot = fieldplot,
# plot = energy_history_plot,
# plot = energy_spectrum_plot,
docolorbar = false,
size = (600, 250),
nupdate = 1,
# anim = animator(; setup, path = "$outdir/vorticity.mkv", nupdate = 20),
# vtk = vtk_writer(; setup, nupdate = 10, dir = outdir, filename = "solution"),
# field = fieldsaver(; setup, nupdate = 10),
log = timelogger(; nupdate = 100),
save_vtk(state; setup, filename = joinpath(outdir, "solution"), psolver)
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