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Local development

Use Juliaup

Install Julia using the juliaup version manager. This allows for choosing the Julia version, e.g. v1.11, by running

juliaup add 1.11
juliaup default 1.11


It is recommended to use Revise.jl for interactive development. Add it to your global environment with

julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("Revise")'

and load it in the startup file (create the file and folder if it is not already there) at ~/.julia/config/startup.jl with

using Revise

Then changes to the IncompressibleNavierStokes modules are detected and reloaded live.


To keep dependencies sparse, there are multiple Project.toml files in this repository, specifying environments. For example, the docs environment contains packages that are required to build documentation, but not needed to run the simulations. To add local packages to an environment and be detectable by Revise, they need to be Pkg.developed. For example, the package NeuralClosure depends on IncompressibleNavierStokes, and IncompressibleNavierStokes needs to be deved with

julia --project=lib/NeuralClosure -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.develop(PackageSpec(; path = "."))'

Run this from the repository root, where "." is the path to IncompressibleNavierStokes.

On Julia v1.11, this linking is automatic, with the dedicated [sources] sections in the Project.toml files. In that case, an environment can be instantiated with

julia --project=lib/NeuralClosure -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()'

etc., or interactively from the REPL with ] instantiate.


In VSCode, you can choose an active environment by clicking on the Julia env: button in the status bar, or press ctrl/cmd + shift + p and start typing environment:

  • Julia: Activate this environment activates the one of the current open file

  • Julia: Change current environment otherwise

Then scripts will be run from the selected environment.

Environment vs package

If a Project.toml has a header with a name and uuid, then it is a package with the module src/ModuleName.jl, and can be depended on in other projects (by add or dev).