Note: Output is not generated for this example (to save resources on GitHub).
Lid-Driven Cavity - 3D
In this example we consider a box with a moving lid. The velocity is initially at rest. The solution should reach at steady state equilibrium after a certain time. The same steady state should be obtained when solving a steady state problem.
using CairoMakie
using IncompressibleNavierStokes
Case name for saving results
outdir = joinpath(@__DIR__, "output", "LidDrivenCavity3D")
Floating point type
T = Float64
backend = CPU()
# using CUDA; backend = CUDABackend()
Reynolds number
Re = T(1_000)
A 3D grid is a Cartesian product of three vectors. Here we refine the grid near the walls.
x = cosine_grid(T(0), T(1), 25), cosine_grid(T(0), T(1), 25), LinRange(-T(0.2), T(0.2), 11)
Boundary conditions: horizontal movement of the top lid
U = (T(1), T(1 / 5), T(0))
boundary_conditions = (
# x left, x right
(DirichletBC(), DirichletBC()),
# y rear, y front
(DirichletBC(), DirichletBC(U)),
# z bottom, z top
(PeriodicBC(), PeriodicBC()),
Build setup and assemble operators
setup = Setup(; x, Re, boundary_conditions, backend);
nothing #hide
Initial conditions
ustart = velocityfield(setup, (dim, x, y, z) -> zero(x))
Solve unsteady problem
(; u, t), outputs = solve_unsteady(;
tlims = (T(0), T(0.2)),
Δt = T(1e-3),
processors = (
# rtp = realtimeplotter(; setup, plot = fieldplot, nupdate = 50),
ehist = realtimeplotter(; setup, plot = energy_history_plot, nupdate = 10),
# espec = realtimeplotter(; setup, plot = energy_spectrum_plot, nupdate = 10),
# anim = animator(; setup, path = "$outdir/solution.mkv", nupdate = 20),
# vtk = vtk_writer(; setup, nupdate = 100, dir = outdir, filename = "solution"),
# field = fieldsaver(; setup, nupdate = 10),
log = timelogger(; nupdate = 20),
nothing #hide
We may visualize or export the computed fields
Export to VTK
save_vtk(state; setup, filename = joinpath(outdir, "solution"))
Energy history
Copy-pasteable code
Below is the full code for this example stripped of comments and output.
using GLMakie
using IncompressibleNavierStokes
outdir = joinpath(@__DIR__, "output", "LidDrivenCavity3D")
T = Float64
backend = CPU()
# using CUDA; backend = CUDABackend()
Re = T(1_000)
x = cosine_grid(T(0), T(1), 25), cosine_grid(T(0), T(1), 25), LinRange(-T(0.2), T(0.2), 11)
U = (T(1), T(1 / 5), T(0))
boundary_conditions = (
# x left, x right
(DirichletBC(), DirichletBC()),
# y rear, y front
(DirichletBC(), DirichletBC(U)),
# z bottom, z top
(PeriodicBC(), PeriodicBC()),
setup = Setup(; x, Re, boundary_conditions, backend);
ustart = velocityfield(setup, (dim, x, y, z) -> zero(x))
(; u, t), outputs = solve_unsteady(;
tlims = (T(0), T(0.2)),
Δt = T(1e-3),
processors = (
# rtp = realtimeplotter(; setup, plot = fieldplot, nupdate = 50),
ehist = realtimeplotter(; setup, plot = energy_history_plot, nupdate = 10),
# espec = realtimeplotter(; setup, plot = energy_spectrum_plot, nupdate = 10),
# anim = animator(; setup, path = "$outdir/solution.mkv", nupdate = 20),
# vtk = vtk_writer(; setup, nupdate = 100, dir = outdir, filename = "solution"),
# field = fieldsaver(; setup, nupdate = 10),
log = timelogger(; nupdate = 20),
save_vtk(state; setup, filename = joinpath(outdir, "solution"))
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